Success Stories

Don’t just take our word for it. Learn exactly how Modern Campus has helped our 1,700+ customers improve the modern student experience.



Midland College’s Smart Start for a Website Redesign
Midland College’s Smart Start for a Website Redesign

Learn how Midland College's website went from unattractive and disorganized to intuitive and eye-catching with 100% brand...

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Charter Oak State College is a Modern Campus customer.
Charter Oak State College’s DIY Responsive Website Redesign

Find out how Charter Oak State College's one-man web marketing team achieved a responsive website redesign all on his...

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Fresno State Builds a Dynamic and Responsive Online Course Catalog
Fresno State Builds a Dynamic and Responsive Online Course Catalog

Learn how California State University, Fresno's mobile-friendly course catalog has saved them time and money and made...

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CSU Channel Islands' Strategy for a Successful CMS Replacement
CSU Channel Islands' Strategy for a Successful CMS Replacement

Learn why CSU Channel Islands replaced their Serena Collage CMS with Modern Campus' Modern Campus CMS.

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Destiny One at Virginia Cooperative Extension
Destiny One at Virginia Cooperative Extension

Learn how Virginia Cooperative Extension is leveraging Destiny One to balance decentralized offerings and centralized...

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Charter Oak State College is a Modern Campus customer.
Charter Oak State College’s DIY Responsive Website Redesign

Find out how Charter Oak State College's one-man web marketing team achieved a responsive website redesign all on his...

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New Mexico Tech Gets Website Work Done Faster with the Right Tool for the Job
New Mexico Tech Gets Website Work Done Faster with the Right Tool for the Job

Learn how New Mexico Tech went from a disorganized, hard-to-navigate site to a cutting-edge website representative of...

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