Reimagine the Co-Curricular Transcript

Adopt SmartTranscript™ to Go Beyond Academics
Use check-in technology to confirm student attendance and reflections to confirm development. Sync all of their completed and in-progress experiences, certifications, points, service hours, and skills into one fully-automated, live-updating student profile. This isn’t like the co-curricular transcripts you’ve seen before — it’s a SmartTranscript™.
Design Robust Co-Curricular Frameworks

Use reflection tools to ensure that students are actively progressing in their skill development.
Tailor reflection forms to fit that program’s needs, customize approval workflows, and use conditional logic to show or hide fields as necessary.

When students can see what they’ve achieved and what steps they need to take to achieve future goals, they’re more likely to continue on their path.
Help students keep track of how far they’ve come in developing their skills to stay motivated and on the right path.

So your student is ready to level-up, but how do they get there?
Our interactive learning dashboard not only tells learners how far they have to go, it maps all the possible routes they can take to get there.
Figure out next steps both within the Opportunities Portal and from the student profile.

Students can see what is currently available so that they can complete opportunities and meet requirements.
They can enroll in competencies, check the status of their skill development, see their points earned, and stay motivated to keep learning.

Some studies show that while students feel confident that they’ve developed workforce-ready skills, employers aren’t seeing the same. Students can use their co-curricular transcript to supplement their resumes, showing potential employers exactly what they’ve learned and how. How will your students show that they’re ready for the workforce?
Design Meaningful Experiences

Intuitive drag-and-drop tools allow you to customize the layout and design of experience pages in minutes. No more time agonizing over creating posters or helping your student organizations advertise — it’s as easy as drag and drop, all in one place.

From study abroad excursions to internships, from certifications to on-campus jobs, and student organization leadership roles to campus events and everything in-between, our students’ time at school is made up of life-changing experiences. Encourage them to dive right in with dynamic advertising tools and gamification.

Use permissions to grant different administrative users access to experience creation and management, but keep a tab on things with simple approval workflows. Encourage community partners to get more involved with your students by allowing them to submit their own service learning opportunities for approval.

Assign skills and levels to each experience to track student learning outcomes and never let a learning opportunity pass you (or your students) by. Use automation to record and track skill attainment and help students know what they need to do to level up.
Gamify Involvement

For our students, the connection between out-of-the-classroom involvement, learning, and workforce readiness aren’t always apparent. Make the benefits of your programs crystal clear by connecting them with the skills they develop and the certifications they can earn. We’re helping students know their “why” and tell their story.

Your institution is unique, so why should your learning pathways be generic? With Modern Campus, you can customize pathways and requirements to skill attainment so that they fit your institution's exact needs and goals.

When you can see your finish line, you focus that much harder on reaching your goals. Students can monitor their progress on their intelligent involvement profile in real-time and see what they have left to complete, ensuring that the finish line is always in sight — regardless of where they’re at in their journey.

What’s the value of attending a leadership retreat? What about a documentary screening? That’s not just a theoretical question anymore.
Incentivize students to get involved by assigning point values to each experience and granting points automatically for completing achievements. Design a custom reward program for your campus and motivate students to keep learning.
Not all experiences are created equal or provide the same experiential learning benefits. Use your division’s preferred taxonomy to assign mastery levels to each set of skills. Are you at the “understanding” phase or the “analyze” phase? We’d bet you’re at the “really excited to measure student learning” phase.
Measure Experiential Learning

Figuring out how you’re going to measure student learning shouldn’t feel like rocket science (unless you’re a rocket scientist). That’s why we’ve made it easy to incorporate frameworks you’re already using, like CAS, LEAP, DQP, or one that’s custom to your institution.
And if you’re not using a learning outcome framework, don’t sweat. Our dedicated Customer Success team is here to help you at every step of the way.
What skills go along with intrapersonal development? What about cognitive complexity?
Use themed competencies to draw a clear connection between what students can learn and why they should want to learn it.
Define them to fit your campus’ needs, frameworks, and language.

What opportunities are there on campus to develop communication skills? Don’t leave that to guesswork anymore.
Students can find experiences that match the skills they want to build and see exactly what they need to do to start learning and growing.
We make it easy to see the depth of skill acquisition with levels that are customized
to your institution’s preferred taxonomy.

In the past, tracking co-curricular learning has been nothing short of tedious. But with Modern Campus, you can simplify the process through the power of connection and automation.
Every point of involvement is centralized within our platform, so you don’t have to stress about manual upkeep.
We connect the experiences with the learning so that your students can connect with their campus.
Foster Student Reflections

Encourage student focus and growth with reflection tools that help students get the most out of their learning opportunities — and help you know that your programs are effective.

Use conditional logic to hide and show fields as necessary, depending upon the student and the experience. Plus, you can set custom requirements for who should approve submitted reflections. It’s like magic, but way cooler. (No offense, magicians)

Review, approve, and voilà — the completed experience now shows on the student’s involvement record.

How do you measure learning outside of the classroom? With Modern Campus’s comprehensive reflection tools, you can ensure that students are learning from their experiences, not just completing them.