CMS Calendar


Positive Impact of Events Around Campus​

Yearly Retention Rate of freshmen who participated in extracurricular activities.​

Modern Campus CMS Calendar has a positive impact on student retention.

Build and Engage Community Effectively with Integrated Calendar Software for Higher Education

Let students discover, share and participate in events relevant to them.​

Switch between grid and list views depending on your purpose. Increase discoverability of your events with built-in filters, tags and RSS feeds.​

Discoverable Campus Events

Switch between grid and list views depending on your purpose. Increase discoverability of your events with built-in filters, tags and RSS feeds.​

Rich Media & Google Maps Integration​

Let your event page visitors get the most information by adding photos, videos and location info via Google Maps.​

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Quickly choose a color and font that matches your website's overall brand using our calendar software for higher education.​

Out-of-Box Design​

Quickly choose a color and font that matches your website's overall brand using our calendar software for higher education.​

Custom Design​

Use the raw feed to build your own custom design to provide an even more unique calendar experience to your visitors. ​

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Using Modern Campus CMS, you can personalize calendar visitors’ experience by tracking their behavior.

Personalization by Modern Campus​

Did you know that 74% of web visitors get frustrated when content they are seeing isn’t relevant to them?​

Using CMS, you can personalize calendar visitors’ experience by tracking their behavior. Identify which event page your visitors have seen before and show relevant content to increase engagement level.​

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A key benefit of using a calendar system for higher education that is fully integrated with a CMS is in calendar maintenance.

Integrated Calendar System​

A key benefit of using a calendar system for higher education that is fully integrated with a CMS is in calendar maintenance. With CMS Calendar, you can:​

  • Manage multiple calendars throughout your campus from a master dashboard​
  • Add/edit/delete single or recurring events​
  • Assign workflows, access controls and approvals​
  • Add links to event management systems, including Modern Campus Conference Manager​

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